Safety Education Program Data
and Instructions for Online Reporting
A school district can update their Traffic
Safety Education (TSE) Program Data using the Internet. Below are detailed instructions for online
The URL address is
Click on the icon that says “Traffic Safety Education Program Data". This will take you to a login page where you
can enter your username and password to access the system.
NOTE: This system has been tested on
the following web browsers:
PC |
Mac |
Internet Explorer 5 or greater
(recommended) |
Internet Explorer 5 (recommended) |
Netscape 4.08 or greater |
Netscape 6 |
1) At the login page, type in your county district
number as the username (with no hyphens).
2) Type in your password that was included with this
memorandum (contact OSPI if you misplaced it).
3) Click on the “Login” button to gain access to the
4) You may get a warning message indicating you are
sending information out over the Internet.
Click “OK”. If you get a message asking if the web browser should
remember passwords, click “No”. If you get a message asking if the web browser
should fill forms out for you, click “No”.
After a successful login, you will see a
page similar to below:
Figure 1
The page has five tabs labeled: Program
Data, Personnel, Vehicles, TSE Schools, and Logout. The current tab is dark blue.
Clicking on a tab will take you to a page where you can modify TSE
data. Below are specific instructions
for each tab.
Program Data
The “Program Data” tab is the first tab you
see after login (see Figure 1) and allows you to update TSE Program Data.
1) All fields are required.
2) Any fields that are data regarding weeks or hours,
you must input a numeric whole number.
3) Fields with a “$” allow you to enter in money amounts
with decimals. The “$” is not necessary.
4) When you are done entering data, click on the “Save
Changes” button to update the database.
5) Click on the “View Printable Version” link at the top
of the page to view a page you can print program data for your records.
The “Personnel” tab allows you to edit,
delete, and add personnel for your district.
A list of personnel sorted by last name is displayed on the page (see
Figure 2). You can filter the list by school using the drop-down menu at the
top of the page. Inactive personnel are
displayed with a different “salmon” color.
Figure 2
1) Edit Personnel - Click on the person’s name to
display the person’s data to update (see Figure 3). All fields are required. Enter dates in the form mm/dd/yyyy with
four digit years. Click on the “Submit” button when finished.
Figure 3
2) Edit Personnel Positions - Click on the person’s name
to display the person’s schools/locations.
Check all positions that apply on the row where the location is listed.
At least one position must be checked. If he or she is not at any locations, a
message “No records found” will be displayed.
Click on the “Update Locations” button to update the database.
3) Delete Personnel – Deleting a person will remove all
records associated with the person.
It’s highly recommended that you “inactivate” a person, instead of
a. Inactivate - Click on the person’s name to display
the person’s data to update. Uncheck
the “Active” checkbox and click the “Submit” button. You will notice the
inactive person is displayed with a “salmon” color.
b. Delete - Click on the red “X”. A confirmation message will pop up asking if
you really want to delete. Click “OK”.
4) Add Personnel –
a. To add a record for a person who is not already in
the system, click on the “Add Personnel” button to display a page to input
new data. All fields are required. Enter dates in the form mm/dd/yyyy with four
digit years. Click on the “Submit” button when finished.
5) Personnel Schools/Locations
a. To add locations for a person who is already in
the system, click on the “Add to Schools” link A list of schools available to add is displayed (see Figure 4).
If the person is already at all schools, a message “No Records Found” is
displayed. Check the school and position(s) to add. At least one position must be checked. You can add the person to
more than one school at a time. Click
on the “Save Changes” button when finished.
Figure 4
b. Delete Locations – Click on the “Delete from Schools”
link. A list of locations for the person is displayed. If the person is not at
any schools, a message “No Records Found” is displayed. Check all the schools
to delete and click the “Save Changes” button.
The “Vehicles” tab is similar to the
personnel tab and allows you to edit, delete, and add TSE vehicles for your
district. A list of vehicles sorted by
license plate number is displayed on the page (see Figure 5). You can filter
the list by school using the drop-down menu at the top of the page.
Figure 5
1) Edit Vehicles -
Click on the vehicle’s license plate number to display the vehicle’s
data to update (see Figure 6). All
fields are required. Click on the
“Submit” button when finished.
Figure 6
2) Delete Vehicles – Click on the red “X”. A confirmation message will pop up asking if
you really want to delete. Click “OK”.
3) Add Vehicles –
a) To add a record for a vehicle not already in the
system, click on the “Add Vehicle” button to display a page to input new
data. All fields are required. Provide us with the Washington State Patrol
(WSP) inspection date if it’s available. Click on the “Submit” button when
4) Vehicle Schools/Locations -
a) To add a record for a vehicle already in the
system, click on the “Add to Schools” link. A list of schools available to add is displayed (see Figure 7).
If the vehicle is already at all schools, a message “No Records Found” is
displayed. Check the school(s) to add the vehicle. Click on the “Save Changes”
button when finished.
Figure 7
b) Delete Locations – Click on the “Delete from Schools”
link. A list of locations for the vehicle is displayed. If the vehicle is not
at any schools, a message “No Records Found” is displayed. Check all the
schools to delete and click the “Save Changes” button.
TSE Schools
The “TSE Schools” tab displays a list of
middle and high schools in your district (see Figure 8). Check the schools that have TSE programs.
Click on the “Save Changes” button when finished.
Figure 8
When you are done using the system, click on
the “Logout” tab or close your web browser to exit the system. It’s highly recommended that you close your
web browser.
If you have any questions or concerns,
contact the TSE office at OSPI.